Birth & Bub Fit Physiotherapy Albury/Wodonga

BirthFit and Mum & Bub Fit are physiotherapist-led exercise classes especially designed for women during their pregnancy & the early postnatal period.

Birth & Bub Fit Physiotherapy offers specially designed exercise classes for women during their pregnancy, as well as a postnatal mother & baby class.

Class times
Birth Fit Aqua: Wednesday 7 - 8pm until end of Feb (Albury Swim Centre)
Birth Fit Outdoor: Saturday 8.30 - 9.30am (until end of daylight savings in Albury Botanical Gardens)
Mum & Bub Fit: Thursday 10 - 11am (Fitness 24 Seven Wodonga)

$15/session (first class $10)

Classes are run out of Fitness 24 Seven Wodonga, outdoor classes are held in the Albury Botanical Gardens, and aqua classes at Albury Swim Centre
Health care card rates and multiple class passes available

Private individual & mums group sessions by appointment

Exercise is beneficial, safe and recommended to perform throughout most healthy pregnancies. Exercise can help to reduce some of the physical discomforts associated with pregnancy (i.e. back pain), promote strength & muscle tone, improve posture, improve sleep quality, enhance energy and mood, assist mental and physical preparation for labour, assist in maintaining healthy weight gain during pregnancy, and increase ability to handle the physical demands of motherhood.

Not all types of exercise are appropriate during pregnancy. Therefore, it is recommended that all exercise is discussed with your obstetric health care providers, and that exercise programs are designed by people with knowledge of the physiological changes and the special requirements of pregnant women.

Birth Fit classes cater for women at all stages of pregnancy and aim to teach women a wide variety of safe and appropriate exercise options. Safe pelvic floor and abdominal muscle exercises are emphasised, and strategies to manage common pregnancy conditions are addressed. Informal education topics surrounding pregnancy, labour and the postnatal period are also included.

Mum & Bub Fit exercise classes are designed to assist women in their postnatal recovery (between 6 weeks and approx. 6 mths), as well as guiding appropriate timing of return to usual exercise and sporting activities. Emphasis is placed on pelvic floor and abdominal rehabilitation, as well as individual goals of participants. The classes are designed so that women can exercise with their babies, and exercises are modified/adapted around the care needs of babies.
